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Helping Students Navigate Your School This Fall

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Author: Sylvia Mauro | Senior Vice President
Helping Students Navigate Your School This Fall

In light of the spread of novel coronavirus, schools across the nation are re-opening with new occupancy, scheduling and learning models in accordance with new recommendations and regulations regarding staff and student wellness. When they walk through those familiar doors, how will they know where to go and what to do? And whether they’re a first grader, a rising senior or a college student, what is the best way to ensure that they follow safety guidelines?

Your school district will surely implement important changes to meet state, local, and CDC guidelines. A critical step in this process is to educate your staff, students, and visitors about the changes and make it easy for them to comply. While ensuring compliance amongst adults is as simple as providing clear directives, kids may be overwhelmed by changes to familiar spaces and routines, or face anxiety over starting a new school with coronavirus prevention protocols in place. You can help your students start the year off with comfort and confidence with DGI’s line of custom campus signage and wellness products.

Whether public or private, schools welcoming students back to classrooms face a host of unprecedented challenges. Prominent building and campus signage can be a powerful tool to provide necessary clarity, comfort and confidence. It can also remind the school population about the importance of following the rules and working together to ensure everyone’s health and safety at school. Keeping signage fun, age-appropriate and informative engages younger students in the process, making them part of the team to keep your school healthy. Signage that features your school mascot and colors can be even more effective.

Your public spaces — bus drop-offs, carpool and parking areas, entrances, the front office, corridors and restrooms — have specific needs, and DGI is here to meet them with a suite of customizable artwork. For example:

  • Window decals remind students, staff and guests to practice optimal hygiene, use designated staff and student/visitor entrances and check in with the front office to sign in or if you need a mask. Window decals are also a fun, visual way to encourage responsible social distancing.
  • Retractable banner stands inspire camaraderie and team-building for older students, comfort and reassure younger learners with age-appropriate graphics and directives and welcome guests and communicate CDC guidelines in your school’s colors.
  • Fold ‘n go towers are a great option for corridor infographics, including social distancing visual cues and hygiene practice icons, perfect for students of all reading levels.
  • Table tent cards and stickers remind those using public surfaces, such as cafeterias or public study tables, to practice optimal hygiene, wear masks and observe touch-free technology zones.
  • Room and door graphics offer wayfinding options and designate off-limits areas. These graphics can be especially reassuring to students as traffic patterns for corridors and stairwells and occupancy capacities for classrooms, libraries, gymnasiums, cafeterias and other public spaces change.
  • Floor graphics assist staff and visitors to keep distances and follow traffic patterns. For example, how many of your school’s mascot fit between responsibly socially distanced individuals?
  • Restroom and cafeteria signage remind everyone to wash their hands and clean up after themselves.
  • Stairway directional graphics are specifically designed to promote compliance with traffic patterns and occupancy in stairwells. This signage can help younger students cope with changes to familiar spaces after a long time away from school.
  • Workstation dividers, which come in three divider sizes, provide your office staff with protection during visitor and student interactions, as well as keep workspaces separated.
  • Face shields protect in-school health workers and educators who work in close proximity and one-on-one with students, such as teaching assistants and educators who work with students with disabilities.
  • Exterior flags and banners offer an eye-catching welcome and can be customized with a school logo or mascot and colors. They can also let students and parents know about adjusted points of entry and direct foot and vehicular traffic.
  • Yard signs and sidewalk signs remind visitors about mask requirements, help enforce social distancing, alert students and visitors to changes they may encounter and can direct the flow of traffic.
  • Barrier stand systems provide signage while physically designating off-limits areas or enforcing temperature scan lines and other point of entry building safety checks.

DGI’s fun, welcoming, and informative custom signage options support full-time and hybrid return-to-school plans. Your school district will be ready to safeguard your students’ health and wellness while reassuring and comforting even the youngest students in your classrooms. If distance learning is part of your model, we’d love to talk Zoom for Education. DGI’s uncompromising commitment to quality means a safe, student-centered result for your school. Contact us today to learn more.

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Sylvia Mauro | Senior Vice President

Sylvia E. Mauro has been with the DGI Communications since 1998. She began her career at DGI as a customer service representative and later became the manager of the sales support team and installation departments. Since 2009, Sylvia has served as a senior project manager and account executive for several of DGI’s top clients. As a member of the executive team, Sylvia is instrumental in informing the vision of the company from both a marketing standpoint as well as improving the customer experience.

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