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Video Meeting Made Easy with Neat Symmetry

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Author: Mike Walsh | CEO
Video Meeting Made Easy with Neat Symmetry

For more than a year now, business communications have been largely remote or hybrid, with colleagues meeting virtually from conference rooms and home workspaces.

While this safety-minded shift has been essential, it hasn’t come without some challenges. One disadvantage is for the audio and visual presence of those who are joining a meeting from a conference room. Instead of being framed by a laptop, mobile or desktop webcam, conference room attendees are sometimes far from the mic and camera. For those joining remotely, suddenly the cozy Zoom gallery view may seem off-kilter.

But what if there were a simple solution that restores the balance and makes video communication more natural for all participants? Neat asked themselves the same question.

Neat Symmetry, a unique, revolutionary video smart room technology, combines advanced artificial intelligence with a high-resolution sensor to detect everyone in a meeting room. The technology zooms in on each person and presents them individually framed — bringing them up close on remote participants’ screens.

Neat Symmetry comes in three different options — the Neat Bar, Neat Board or Neat Pad. All are easy to use and set up.

It’s not just about equalizing the primary speaker with Neat Symmetry. When people are spread out in a meeting room, subtle facial expressions or body gestures are often lost in surroundings. A room’s furniture and decor can consume the gallery view box, taking a lot of the human element with it.

Traditional video conferencing voice-tracking technology typically zooms in on an active speaker, leaving the rest of the team out of view. Interruptions may shift the focus, but the move from speaker to speaker can be choppy and awkward.

Neat Symmetry, which is patent pending, separately auto-frames each person, sitting or standing, and instinctively follows them if they shift positions, get up or move around. Neat Symmetry displays each team member in the room in equal proportion. Each person’s image is sized and cropped appropriately so remote participants can read body language cues and catch quick exchanges more easily.

Neat Symmetry’s artificial intelligence can also determine if two or three people sit close to each other; it works out the algorithm and recalibrates to frame them together, avoiding any overlap or loss of image quality.

Neat devices are a native Zoom solution, meaning each model is purpose-built to seamlessly give Zoom customers a smoother, smarter, faster, more stable and secure experience.

Neat Symmetry focuses on what’s most important in your meetings — bringing people closer together by delivering the future of video technology today. Whether it’s an in-house collaboration, pitching a product to clients, offering customer support or educating remotely, Neat Symmetry brings everyone closer for more natural video engagement.

If you’re looking for a video conferencing solution that supports the freedom to speak and present from a conference room without sacrificing a level visual playing field, contact DGI to find out more.

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Mike Walsh | CEO

Mike Walsh is a 15+ year veteran in the audio visual industry, bringing extensive knowledge of AV design, implementation, service and sales to DGI. Mike is high energy, providing leadership and driving innovation for the diverse divisions that make up our company. He’s also led a team that was recognized as the top integration firm serving educational markets in the country two years running.

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