
Building or Renovating Your School

Get Your Building and Renovation Guide!

Building or Renovating Your School

Building or renovating your school doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With careful planning, you can have a smooth renovation process — and stay on budget.

In this eBook, we’ll cover how to get the most out of your renovation budget. When planning your renovation, it’s important to pay attention to:

  • AV and Communications Technology — From air quality and CO2 monitoring to smartboards to computers, technology is a part of any modern school. As technology advances, so do learning opportunities for students. Some schools are even using virtual reality and augmented reality to simulate lab or fieldwork that’s not easily accessible.
  • Print and Digital Signage — Many schools use LED wall and display screens to provide recent announcement, news, and updates to students and faculty. Print and digital signage can also provide directional indicators indoors and outdoors, both during construction and after.
  • Acoustic Design — Sound management should not be overlooked. Poor sound management can be a constant frustration to staff and affect your students’ learning outcomes.
  • Budgeting — Many school districts are feeling the financial effects of increased technology spend during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many grant and scholarship options available. There are even COVID-19-specific relief grants that can help ease financial burdens and fund new endeavors.

DGI can help with your signage and technology needs. Fill out the form to learn more tips for building and renovating your school.